10. B

9. IRON MAN (Jon Favreau) - Fast-talking billionaire weapons manufacturer Tony Star


7. SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE - (Danny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan (Co-director
: India)) An Indian teen is arrested on accusations of cheating after winning the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, and from that an exciting, funny, and beautiful love story is unraveled. Multiple Golden Globe wins including Best Drama, Best Director, and Best Screenplay. Even though this was not my FAVORITE movie of the year, it was definitely the only flawless movie I saw in 2008. (I was told that made me sound pretentious, but what can I say...I am awesome and always right.) One of the most surprising parts of this movie is that it is not nearly as depressing as it may seem from pictures, trailers, and descriptions of it. It is actually extremely uplifting and fun. And the soundtrack is awesome. Boyle, as usual, does a great job of editing soft, subtle dialogue-driven scenes and placing them against the beautifully chaotic sequences that are almost sensory overload. FAVORITE SCENE: So many. One that sticks out is a scene where the three kids trick a child trafficker in order to escape his grasp. Although, again, the ending is breathtaking. CAUTION: Fairly light R for language and violence, sometimes involving little kids...BUT ADULTS SHOULD SEE IT! BELIEVE ME, IT'S A CROWD-PLEASER!
6. WALL-
E (Andrew Stanton) - A lonely, trash collecting robot, the only "living" thing left on Earth, falls in love with an environmental, aggressive floating robot and together the fate of the human race rests in their hands. Golden Globe win for Best Animated Feature. Could possibly be the best Pixar movie to date, in my opinion. The stuff those guys are doing is absolute genius. Can they even make a bad movie? Sure the visual effects are amazing and the characters are funny and lovable, but holy cow. This story is original, yet timeless; funny, yet poignant; simple, yet complex. Because it's a cartoon and technically made for kids, it will never get the full applause it deserves, but it will be remembered for a long time after Disney puts out Bolt 4 and High School Musical 6: The Midlife Crisis. FAVORITE SCENE: Any scene with the pet roach. It takes some chutzpa to make a roach cute.
5. ROLE MODELS (David Wain) - Two energy drink promoters (Seann Wi
lliam Scott, Paul Rudd) are forced to complete 60 hours of community service by acting as "Big Brother" type figures to a LAIRE loving nerd (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) and a foul-mouthed 10-year-old (Bobb'e J. Thompson). Here's where I think I will get the most complaints...How dare I put this above Frost/Nixon or Slumdog! And Benjamin Button isn't even on my list?! Well guess what? I think that this is one of the funniest movies in the past 5 years. The ending scene alone should go down in the annals of comedy history. Rudd's dry sarcasm is flawless and Thompson is a scene-stealer. Probably not for everyone, but I am going out on a limb...this film was very, very good and without question the best purely comedic movie of 2008. FAVORITE SCENE: The LAIRE battle at the end. Funny from start to finish. If you watch that scene and don't immediately want to grab a cardboard sword and fight 15-year-old wizard-wannabes...then I'm not sure we can be friends. CAUTION: Strong R - Lots of bad language, some from kids, and some sexual innuendos and nudity...again, see with a girlfriend so she can cover your eyes during these short awkward parts (thanks, Janelle!).
4. MAN O
N WIRE (James Marsh) - The documentary of Philippe Petit's plan and execution to tight-rope walk across the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center right after they were built in 1974. BAFTA nomination for Best British Film. Completely mesmerizing documentary that takes you through every stage leading up to the main event. Complete with modern-day interviews with Petit and his team along with video from the past of the preparation and realization of his childhood dream. Petit's charisma and sense of wonder are contagious as he unravels this thrilling and humorous story of one of the greatest stunts in all of history. David Blaine and Criss Angel are chumps. Philippe Petit is the real deal. FAVORITE SCENE: The team having to hide within the buildings late at night and stay perfectly still for hours until the guards would leave for the night. CAUTION: PG-13 for an unnecessary and short scene of sexuality. Enjoyable in spite of it.
3. YOUNG AT HEART (Stephen Walker) - The real story of a choir of se
nior citizens, who travel the world singing purely rock 'n' roll hits of the past and the present, getting ready for one big show. I laughed and cried all the way through this movie. You can't help but fall in love with each of these singers, who seem to have a love/hate relationship with the songs they are singing. The choirs director, Bob Cilman, runs the choir hard and doesn't let them settle for mediocrity, but he is compassionate and loving when his elderly members need time off for medical reasons or stress. The songs are great and the final show makes you wanna get up and cheer. FAVORITE SCENE: SPOILER - A retired member of the choir returns to sing one last song ("Fix You" by Coldplay) to his deceased singer partner and friend. You have no heart if you don't at least choke up. CAUTION: PG for some mild language and death.
2. THE D
ARK KNIGHT (Christopher Nolan) - The Batman (Christian Bale) is back and must fight his most demented enemy yet - The Joker (Heath Ledger). Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actor (Heath Ledger). The greatest action movie since the dawning of the new millennium? Maybe. The greatest Batman story and depiction since Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's brilliant graphic novel The Long Halloween? Probably. By far, the most complex and superb superhero movie of all-time? Without question. And a villain who should go down in history, alongside Cruella de Vil, Hannibal Lector, Darth Vader, Mr. Potter, and Anton Chigurh, as one of the greatest, most terrible bad guys in cinematic history. What can I say? If you haven't seen it...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! FAVORITE SCENE: Hmmm, probably Batman and Jokers exchange in the questioning room in the jail. CAUTION: PG-13, but not for blood, sex, nudity, drug use, or anything like that...It's just very dark.

6. WALL-

5. ROLE MODELS (David Wain) - Two energy drink promoters (Seann Wi

4. MAN O

3. YOUNG AT HEART (Stephen Walker) - The real story of a choir of se

2. THE D

1. IN BRUGES (Martin McDonagh) - Two hit men (Brendan Glees
on, Colin Farrell) must hideout in Bruges, Belgium after a job at home goes awry...but they soon realize they are there for more than just sightseeing. Golden Globe win for Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical (Colin Farrell). This was a really hard decision. So many good movies came out in 2008, many of which didn't even make my list. And maybe I will retract this choice in the future, but for right now, this is definitely my favorite movie of 2008. It is hysterical, for one thing. Gleeson and (believe it or not) Farrell are great and have a relationship and a chemistry that hearkens back to the Odd Couple, only with guns. It's also extremely intense. The action is spread throughout the movie and is sometimes handled humorously to great effect, but when this movie wants to be serious, it accomplishes it without a single bit of hesitation. In fact, just thinking about it, this is absolutely, without a doubt my favorite movie of 2008. FAVORITE SCENE: Gleeson trying to convince Farrell that Bruges is a beautiful place...the dialogue throughout this thing is perfectly hilarious. CAUTION: Strong R - lots of violence, lots of language, and a short scene involving drugs and prostitutes...but don't worry, there is no nudity.

Kung Fu Panda, Wanted, The Incredible Hulk, Justice League: The New Frontier, The Strangers, Baby Mama
THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON (so freakin' pretentious!), Tropic Thunder, The Orphanage, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Horton Hears a Who!