2. O
NCE (John Carney) Two musicians meet on the streets of Dublin, fix a vacuum, write some songs, and become life long friends in a matter of a week. Oscar for Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Song) - Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova ("Falling Slowly"). I almost feel I do not deserve to write a movie blog any longer for forgetting this film. Do you like great songwriting? Do you like comedy? Do you like unpretentious love stories? And YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS?! Get out of my face! The relationship between the two main characters is so gorgeous and engaging, and I cannot say enough about the songs. FAVORITE SCENE: The title scene with a slow camera zoom towards Hansard as he sings "Say It to Me Now" on an empty street in Dublin, lit only by an orange lamppost.

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