So maybe the first movie I saw in the new year wasn't the best, but this next movie could end up being one of my favorite's of the whole year. Coraline is the s
tory of a little girl who is moved to a boring new home in a boring new town where each night her dreams bring her what she THINKS she wants out of life. However, the dreams start seeming like more than just dreams and what she thinks she wants turns out to be not so pleasant. Oh man! This movie was soooooooo freakin' good! I loved every second of it! The "dream" sequences were quirky and dark (as dir. Henry Selick's films, like Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach, tend to be), presenting an alternate-universe version of Coraline's actual parents, home, and neighbors. And the coolest part is that it was shot COMPLETELY in stop-motion animation and 3-D. And this is not MarineLand 3-D where little fish swim at you for no apparent reason. There were little-to-no blatant 3-D shots where a stick is poked toward the camera or something stupid. It was all beautifully atmospheric and captivating, making you feel like you are actually a part of Coraline's world. BEWARE THOUGH, PARENTS! This should NOT have been PG. It is very dark, very scary, and there is an awkward old lady with big boobs that bounce around pretty much uncovered except for a shell-like pasty. It's funny, but probably too much for kids. But anyone into weird fantasy movies, GO SEE IT NOW! IN 3D!

Last year was the year of the Superhero Movie. I think this year will be the year of the animated movie, with Pixar's Up, the Tim Burton produced 9, Dreamworks Monsters Vs. Aliens, Disney's star-studded A Christmas Carol, and another Ice Age movie all being released. What do you think? Am I right, or am I right?
By the way, shameless plug: if you live in Jacksonville, go to http://www.imfromduval.com/, which is written by my friend Eric Dennis. The funniest Jacksonville-based blog on the planet.
I haven't seen the wrestlere and I still don't want to.
I loved coraline and just reading the description makes me want to see it again
Did you draw that picture at the end?
... and was that picture meant to be a superhero?
no it was meant to be animation...duh!
Oh you guys.
I want to see Coraline so bad!! Hmm...maybe I can convince the parents to go tonight!
It was great seeing you again. I like this new blogging format. It's short and current, just the way we Americans like it!
ZOMG!!! I want to see 9 sooo bad!!!
Also, after I found out Coraline was based on a book and not Tim Burton's unrelenting, unrestrained insanity, I realized I wanted to see it too.
I too like the shorter format, but I also liked the expanded version as well. I always like your posts and look forward to each new poll! Keep 'em coming!
oh boy! yay for me!
haha, thanks guys!
the 9 trailer is so metal.
go to the bottom of my blog to follow me.
Thanks for the updates Matt! I appreciate your take on the current movies. (Sometimes I think I'd like to count the number of T&A shots we are subjected to in the movies and TV. It just feels obligatory sometimes, and completely unnecessary for the purpose of the plot.)
I totally agree with you on the watchmen too, read it, then see it acted out-
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