I saw the new
Star Trek. By far the best movie I have seen this year so far. I saw it with a group of friends and family, and as I

was watching it I kept thinking, "
Hmm, there's no way anyone else likes this movie...It's too loud,
Hollywood, and sci-
fi, right?" But to my surprise, everyone else loved it as well. In fact, everyone I have talked to has loved it. The casting was impeccable, with especially awesome turns by Zachary
Quinto as a young Spock and Simon
Pegg as
Scotty. The plot was nearly flawless, perfectly connecting this new group with the classic 60's television cast. It was campy and funny, exciting and fast, smart and provoking. What more could one ask for in a summer blockbuster based on one of America's few great fables?
My theory is that everyone likes (or will like)
Star Trek. It
't matter if you have tons of knowledge or no knowledge on any of the past "Star Trek"
TV series or movies (although if you really wanna see some clever connections between this new series and the old, at least watch
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan). It is enjoyable from the first frame to the applause-worthy ending.
Have you seen it? Yes? Did you like it? Of course you did. And if you didn't....man, then I just don't know what to say. Go see that Beyonce movie Obsessed, I guess. You will probably like that....tool
Didn't he do something called "The Money Pit" with Shelly Long? GOT to be the worst. (Though I probably liked it at the time. Thanks for making me a snob.)
Oh, that last comment was about the Tom Hanks movies.
And that last one was from me. This is why I don't comment.
haha, thanks! i like the comments no matter how they come
and yes, he did do the money pit
Hey, I LIKED The Money Pit...actually you would like it to The Mom, in light of the work you've had done on your house lately. :)
Also, I liked Star Trek too Matt, and have been surprised that trekkies and non-trekkies alike have like it as well. I think one would appreciate some of the jokes better if they had a cursory knowledge of the old stuff though.
Star Trek sucked air!
heh...no, just kidding...hoping to stir controversy on your site to up the comment count.
Star Trek is the best Sci Fi movie to come along since Serenity. And I really am not much of a fan of the old ST series, either Classic or Next Gen, or any of the horrid spin-offs that came later. But this movie really pulled something off, between the dialog and good performances and dazzling FX...it was a real winner IMO!
I loved The Money Pit!
Um...and Star Trek was pretty awesome too.
Favorite quote: "there's Jake"
Really...The Burbs is in your list of Tom Hanks bad movies? I loved the Burbs....(and the Money Pit for that matter)!
okay, okay! the money pit must be pretty good (sorry mom)
haha: "there's jake". that made me laugh out loud just thinking of it now
and I have never seen the burbs al the way through. the only real reason it is on my list is because it had a low tomatometer rating on rotten tomatoes. it isn't on their by my own personal hatred
I haven't seen Star Trek but its only because no one will ever take me to go see it :(
I liked the money pit way more than the burbs.
Forrest Gump, The 'Burbs, The Moneypit, AND Joe and the Volcano are all good movies, with the last one actually being GREAT! Why is Joe on the list, Matt? Did the stupid Tomato-ers fool you again?
I haven't seen Star Trek yet, but I don't know how to convince myself to see it. I have a lifelong disdain -- no, not that strong, let's call it a distaste -- for the show. I'm just not interested in seeing the movie. :(
Somebody make me interested!
This might peak your interest: it is really good and you should see it. period.
and again, i have not seen most of those movies. and forrest gump was supposed to be a joke. sorry it wasn't very funny
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