The purpose of this post is to inform new fans and update avid fans concerning the impending Arrested Development movie. "Arrested Development?" you say? "What is that?" you say?
Wuh-ELL! Arrested Development (AD) was a TV show on FOX that ran only three seasons, garnered consistently low ratings, and featured a cast of little-known comedians and actors, producing only one "star" (if that) in the shifty, awkward Michael Cera (Juno and Superbad). But beyond the fact sheet, AD was brilliant.
It was brilliant. Seriously. Literally. Brilliant.
Damned for its complex jokes, long-reaching motifs, and questionable sexual circumstances (incestuous love between cousins, an ambiguously gay man with a wife and child, and an almost Oedipus Rex-like unrequited relationship between a son and mother), the show never pleased the Dancing with the Stars, 24, and American Idol audience -- it never provided the quick adrenaline rushes or comedic slaps in the face that so many of us are forced to accept as television.
Instead, AD dared to believe TV watchers were patient enough to wait 30 seconds or more for a joke's payoff, intelligent enough to detect nuance and subtlety in an actor's expression ("I am tired of looking guilty!" *scratches face, looks away*), and real enough to detect similarities between themselves and the outrageous characters of the show.
So: AD, a complete and consummate cult classic, cut short in its third season, has set teh interwebz ablaze over the last year or two concerning rumors of an impending movie. For a long while, the aforementioned Cera declined to participate, likely too busy with his blossoming career. But, in February of this year, Cera finally agreed to participate in the yet-written film.
Arrested Development is really the brainchild of its writer/producer Mitch Hurwitz, whose most impressive accomplishment -- before AD -- was writing nine episodes of the television show Golden Girls (which, as it turns out, is kind of funny). He is still in the process of writing the movie's script, so until that's done, us die-hard fans must wait on official release dates and projections (most think it will be in theaters by late 2010).
Can't wait for Arrested Development the movie? Want to get familiar with Michael Bluth, George Bluth, Oscar Bluth, George-Michael Bluth, and George Oscar Bluth (G.O.B.)? Well, do what I do: rewatch episodes of the show's three series! They're now all available on Hulu, and I've seen each episode over 20 times!!!*
Arrested Development on Hulu: information on IMDB:
...TV show's Wikipedia page:
Now study up because I'm sure the movie will be full of banana-grabbing inside jokes and "her?" motifs that only the well-versed will appreciate!
Return from whence you came!
*I also own each season on DVD, so I'm able to watch them on the go too.
Bradley also blogs about city life, cats, and general world knowledge with his wife at Homebody and Woman!