In newcomer Neill Blomkamps District 9, an alien ship essentially "runs out of gas" above Johannesburg, South Africa. The extra-terrestrials, derogatorily known as "prawns", aboard the ship are extremely malnourished and are put into slums blocked off from any interaction with the outside world. The creatures are heavily monitored and guarded by a group called MNU, headed up by a brilliant, if somewhat naive, desk-worker named Wikus Van De Merwe (played perfectly by relatively unknown actor Sharlto Copley).
I don't want to say much after that because the movie throws
so many different turns at you that it is best to be completely surprised. A mix of mockumentary-style interviews and straight-ahead hand-held sci-fi action, you very quickly realize that this movie is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill "aliens=bad; humans=good" summer flick. This is a bold piece of science fiction art that should go down as one of the most original, exciting, breath-taking and down-right great alien movies in film history. BAM! Said it....

Oh, an
d I also saw Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (which I have nothing to say about whatsoever...except that it is one of the most pointless things I have ever had the di
spleasure of looking at) and Funny People. The latter, like District 9, is also original and not what you would expect from a Hollywood summer blockbuster. And while it is a funny and interesting look at comedians in show business, it is also kinda long and somewhat monotonous. SO DON'T BE A MORON! GO SEE DISTRICT 9! FUNNY PEOPLE WILL SOON BE A DOLLAR AT REDBOX, PEOPLE!

Aww yeah, District 9 was amazing. Not only would I be willing to see it again in theatures, but I will definitely be owning.
I agree with everything you said about D9. Still haven't stopped talking about/analyzing it, days after having seen it.
I hope they make a District 10- speaking of movies in the works- does anyone know anything about the Arrested development movie coming out???
I voted other. I consider Alien an alien movie, even thought the humans are technically the aliens which are invading. Nothing beats that original movie. Still wildly scary after (exactly) 30 years.
Concerning Arrested Development, from what I understand, everyone's on board, Hurwitz is currently writing the script, but no cameras have rolled out yet, so -- in other words -- no timetable yet.
Aliens is pretty amazing as well
So, I have to say that I'm voting for d9 in your poll...I don't know if I can call it the best alien movie period, but I definitely would class it above any of the others there, and I really like Men in Black (for other reasons obviously). Stoked about your new blog. Now I have one more thing to add to the list. Thanks...jerk
Oh...crap, I just scrolled down and realized I'd overlooked Alien. Uh, yeah, that one is definitely in the pantheon. Now that I think of it-I'm ashamed to admit...I've only seen to the iconic chest busting scene. I think I was in high school, and Dad didn't feel like watching the rest. Good from what I saw...and Aliens is nothing to shake a stick at, but definitely more in the T2 kind of way. So, umm I guess I keep D9 just because I haven't seen Alien all the way, but I'm probably still speaking out of turn, bc there may be another film I'm overlooking.
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