
I Feel-Slightly-Indifferent-About-You, Man!

I was really excited about Paul Rudd's new movie I Love You, Man, the story of a groom-to-be who has no real guy friends and must go out looking for someone to be his best man. Eventually he finds bro-mance in an overly-friendly beach-bum, played by Jason Siegel (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, "Freaks and Geeks"). There was some good humor about thirty-somethings and their quest to stay hip and relevant (nicknames like "Joebin" and "Sydney Shucker" got some of the biggest laughs from me) and I did like the two guys jam sessions ("Slappin' da baaaasss"). Other than those and a few other funny spots, the movie seemed....forced, for lack of a better word. Here we've got two of the biggest comedic actors in the world right now, an Apatow-esque plot, and a trend that is catching steam in 2009 (that of man love, which me and my broseph's have been practicing for years....not like that, just men...who love each other...you know what I mean). Unfortunately all the elements just added to a forgettable night at the movies.

It wasn't a total waste of time. In fact many of my friends really enjoyed it. And I am glad. But having just watched Role Models for the third time the night before seeing ILY,M, I think my sights were too high. Wait until video. (By the way, while there is no actual nudity/sex, there are a LOT of sex jokes, which tend to get old after 2 hours...just keep that in mind).

Do you think the Apatow label, and the people that came out from under his wing, are about to jump the shark? Have they reached their wits end? Are you excited about Funny People (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1201167/)? I am.


Eric said...

Judd Apatow is exploiting his little genre that he created. I cant blame him for trying to make a buck but dont expect his movies to be good. After i saw superbad i knew he was just trying to get paid. He doesnt have to make a funny movie anymore, just a funny movie trailer which will trick the viewers into thinking that they are going to see more than they saw in that short 30 sec. Tired of seeing all the funniest parts before i watch the movie, kinda wish the trailers leave something to the imagination. Where the wild things did this perfectly.

Unknown said...

I'm super excited about Happy People, but I think I really only like every other Apatow film.

However, it is noteworthy the chart at the bottom of his Wikipedia page:


Observe: Two of his biggest hits - Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin - he served as all three (writer, director, and producer). Does that spell hit for this next movie? I like how Happy People looks less sex-humor oriented, too.

Jessica said...

When I first saw "I love you man" I was actually really uncomfortable for the majority of the film. It wasn't just the sex stuff, the awkward conversations just left me squirming in my chair. The fact that I was crushing on Jason Segal during the movie did help. I left feeling as you would say, "slightly indefferent." But, I did think about it a lot the next day. So, maybe it wasn't that bad.

Matt said...

Eric: I have started thinking about banning myself from watching trailers. They get worse and worse about giving away stuff; not only funny lines/scenes, but even important plot twists (Vantage Points trailer gave away the "shock" ending of the president still being alive)

Brad: I am glad that Funny People seems to be less about sex. Hopefully it will show Apatow and Co. can do other humor well. and it looks like it might be more than just funny.

Jessica: You're right...it was just a plain-awkward movie

Janelle said...

I can't wait to see Happy People- I hope it comes out in 3-D

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hey! I just saw a preview for Where the Wild Things Are (hat tip to Steph and Ben's blog http://stephbenkinmen.blogspot.com/). Is it going to be gud!? I hope so! I got goosepimples watching the trailer.

Matt said...