Just because a film is a blockbuster doesn't mean it's a good film. It seems that every year, a new, terrible movie (Watchmen) explodes in the box office, while thousands of brilliant ones quietly fall from the marquee (In Bruges). The general population has no idea they've been subversively swindled; they have no idea that Michael Bay or George Lucas has just purloined $7 from their pockets.
This series is an effort to shed light on these block-busting burglars. Starting from the bottom of Box Office Mojo's inflation-adjusted list of Top Grossing Films, I will work towards shedding light on poor script-writing, shoddy acting, and all around piss-poorness. Today, we start with the 94th highest grossing film of all time, Spider-Man 3.
More after the jump!
More after the jump!
The Crime: Spider-Man 3 -- $351,204,600 (2009 dollars)
I remember watching trailers on our old computer for Spider-Man -- the first film -- over my father's shoulder. The red and blue wonder slinging between tall, shimmering buildings. It was 2002 and we were still on the computer graphics honeymoon, talking about how realistic the webslinger looked as he floating through New York City's skyline, remarking how our palms were sweating when the trailer finished.
And so, like force-feeding a nation a candy too sweet to enjoy, the automatons that run Sony filled the nations' theaters with a superhero too campy too endure -- and they added greater camp! They filled their movie-making cauldrons with sack after sack of camp! By the end of the film, most movie-goers had suffocated on webslinger's quips or the villains' predictabilities. I suspect the only reason this film earned such top dollar was due to family members purchasing tickets in an effort to exume their loved ones' remains from the theater -- only to die themselves during an after-credits scene indicating that no major characters actually died (twist!) while simultaneously hinting to a Spider-Man 4.
The Alternative: The Lord of the Rings
Next up: The Lost World: Jurassic Park!
I dunno Bradley, I think the dance sequence in Spiderman 3 almost revived the movie all by itself. Think about it!
Haha, genius post. I'm looking forward to reading more!
actually I read the producers of Watchmen were disappointed with the money it made....it was fairly terrible though
The hinting at the end of spider man 3 is supposed to coincide with a possible S.H.I.E.L.D. movie. they did the same with iron man and the fantastic four. Its going to be a movie version of marvels ultimate alliance video game.
Richmond: Yeah, well that doesn't forgive them for still making a Spider-Man 4.
Wow,I didn't realize they were making Spider Man 4...poor foreigners...
I think you could very well follow this series on worst highest-grossing films with a series of box-office bombs that should not have been (COUGH *Serenity* AHEM).
Yeah, Spidey 3 was atrocious. Have you seen the youtube video How Spiderman 3 Should Have ended? Classic.
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